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Conditioner Bar - Dry or Damaged Hair

Conditioner Bar - Dry or Damaged Hair

Regular price $8.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 CAD
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This Conditioner Bar is specially formulated for dry or curly hair. This formula includes marshmallow root powder and hibiscus flowers, which have been infused into the oils.

After several years of using these bars personally, we love what they do for our hair. They offer a gentle conditioning experience, which only needs to be used once in every 3 or 4 washes. Gently massage bar into hair ends, and let sit on the hair for a short time before rinsing off. Optionally, you could use a wide tooth comb to disperse the conditioner through your hair. Rinse thoroughly (until you feel it "squeak" between your fingers), then towel dry. Style as usual. 

We have formulated three different conditioner bars, taking into account the majority of hair types our customers might have. 

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